Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise – Friedhofstraße 43/ 43 Old Cemetery Road (#5)

Gespensterspuk in Hollywood/ Hollywood Dead Ahead

Gespensterspuk in Hollywood

Verlag: Gerstenberg Verlag
veröffentlicht 2013
Seiten: 136

Book (Deutsch/English)


Großartige Neuheiten: Die Friedhofstraße 43 wird verfilmt! Autor Ignaz Griesgram, Gespenst Olivia und der elfjährige Severin machen sich auf den Weg nach Hollywood. Dort stellt sich jedoch heraus, dass nur Ignaz in dem Film mitspielen soll. Severin nimmt daraufhin unter falschem Namen am Casting teil und wird prompt für seine eigene Rolle engagiert. Filmlegende Ivana Oscar übernimmt die Hauptrolle. Leider hat die alte Dame ihren Vertrag nicht gelesen und ahnt nichts von der darin enthaltenen Sterbeklausel…

In this fifth volume from 43 Old Cemetery Road, the trio at Spence Mansion leaves Ghastly for Hollywood, California . . . and for a shot at stardom!
The film producer Moe Block Busters wants to make the 43 Old Cemetery Road story into a movie—and he promises it will be a sure-fire hit! Lured by the lights of Tinseltown, Ignatius B. Grumply, Olive C. Spence, and Seymour Hope pack their suitcases. But when they arrive in Hollywood, Olive has a sure-fire fit when she discovers how quickly fame changes Iggy and Seymour. Even worse, Olive has been written out of the script! “Little old lady ghosts are so yesterday,” says Moe. “What America wants is a terrifying ghost named Evilo.” Well, if it’s Evilo they want, it’s Evilo they’ll get. And Olive knows just the femme fatale to help her scare Hollywood’s most despicable director half to death. (Quelle)

In Kürze/ In (Very) Short:

+ 5. Band der Reihe Friedhofstraße 43
+ Wiedersehen mit alten Bekannten und Kennenlernen liebenswerter Figuren
+ spannend, unterhaltsam, lustig, gelungen wie immer
+ eine schöne Variante des Briefromans
+ 5th installment of 43 Old Cemetery Road
+ reunion with old friends and new lovable characters
+ fun, entertaining, exiting, good as always
+ a lovely version of the epistolary novel

Meinung/My Opinion:

Das 5. Buch in der Reihe Friedhofstraße 43 ist, wie auch seine Vorgänger, wieder sehr schön und unterhaltsam. Ich bin einfach ein großer Fan der Erzählweise und der Gestaltung – eine Geschichte in Briefen und Zeitungsartikeln zu erzählen, ist einfach eine tolle Idee und die Illustrationen untermalen den Charme dieser Reihe.

Diesmal zieht es unsere drei lieb gewonnen Figuren nach Hollywood. Ein vielleicht etwas schmieriger Produzent möchte die Friedhofstraße gerne verfilmen und auch wenn Ignaz dagegen ist, freuen sich Severin und Olivia ungemein. Da Severin und Ignaz dem Glanz und Ruhm Hollywoods verfallen und nicht mitbekommen, was der Produzent wirklich alles vor hat, liegt es an Olivia die Produktion vor einer Katastrophe zu retten.

Wieder einmal ist es den Autorinnen gelungen eine spannende Erzählung zu erschaffen, die mit Humor erzählt und mit kleinen Seitenhieben auf die Filmindustrie gespickt ist. Der Schreibstil ist wie immer flüssig, die Illustrationen und Gestaltung wunderschön, die Charaktere noch immer liebenswert und verschroben und die Friedhofstraße gewinnt neue und sympathische Figuren hinzu. Wirklich gelungen.

The 5th installment of 43 Old Cemetery Road is just as fun and entertaining as its predecessors. I am a huge fan of the narrative style and the composition. To tell a story through letters and newspaper articles is a beautiful idea and the illustrations are wonderful as always.

This time our three friends are about to conquer Hollywood. A sleazy producer wants to adapt their story into a movie, which Olive and Seymour are thrilled about (Iggy not so much). While Iggy and Seymour succumb to the glitz and glamor, and are unaware of the shady intentions of the producer, it is up to Olive to prevent a catastrophe.
The authors have created an exiting, humorous story that is studded with comments on the film industry. The writing is fluent, the illustrations and the composition of the book is beautiful, the characters are lovable and quirky and the series gains new and sympathetic characters. A great read.

Fazit/Bottom Line:

Eine spannende und unterhaltsame Geschichte wie man es aus dieser Reihen gewohnt ist.

As always a thrilling, fun, and entertaining read.


rating 4

My Reading Month May

Since the last reading months have been quite slow, this one has picked up a little bit. Though most of the books have been short, I did manage to read 5 books again.

Julica Jungehülsing – Ein Jahr in Australien: Reise in den Alltag

I started this reading month with another experience report, this time the author began her live in Australia. It was an interesting read, but it was also a little annoying. The author constantly reminded the reader how cool she is and how much of an Australian she is now. The book should have been called “A Year in Bondi Beach” because we do not get to know a lot about Australia, but more about her wonderful surfer life in Bondi Beach and how close her new apartment is to the ocean. An ok read, but not great.

 Ein Jahr in AustralienThe 13 Problems

Agatha Christie – The 13 Problems

Well, what can I say, a good old Christie makes my day. It has been quite slow at the reading front the past months, so I thought I can do nothing wrong with a Christie novel. The great thing about The 13 Problems is that this is not one continuous storyline, but rather 13 individual stories. These stories are presented among a group of people (of whom Miss Marple is part) and they all try to solve those “problems”. Basically the book is made up of 13 short stories, which is great for reading at night. I could read a chapter and go to sleep. It was an entertaining and funny read…as usual.

Rick Riordan – The Red Pyramid

I finally started another Rick Riordan series. I love the Percy Jackson series. It is one of my favorite because they are wonderfully sarcastic, funny, entertaining, thrilling, and there are Greek gods. I don’t need anything more. This time Riordan is taking us into the world of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. I used to love those myths when I was younger, so I was really exited. However, it took me a while to get into the book. Sadie and Carter Kane witness their dad releasing the ancient gods, and some of them are out to destroy the world.
Again it is a great adventure story, the mythology is wonderfully incorporated and adapted (and I still remembered quite a lot), but somehow it took some time to warm up to it. I had difficulties identifying with the characters. Unlike Percy Jackson, this time a sibling couple are at the center of the story and I just didn’t get a long with them. But as the story progresses I did grew a little fonder of them. Overall, a good and entertaining book.

The Red Pyramid Gespensterspuk in Hollywood

Kate Klise – Friedhofstraße 43: Gespensterspuk in Hollywood

This is the fifth installment of Old Cemetery Road 43 and this time the three lovable characters are going to Hollywood to become movie stars. Again, I really enjoyed this story. I loved being reunited with the characters, the story is funny and exiting, the illustrations are beautiful and I really appreciated and enjoy that the story is told through letters and newspapers. A fun and wonderful read.

Oona Crate

Shawn T. Odyssey – Oona Crate: Das Rätsel um den Schwarzen Turm

My reading month ended with another children’s book. Oona Crate is a 13-year-old girl who does not want to be a magicians apprentice anymore, but who rather becomes a private detective. When her uncle disappears, she has a chance to show her worth. Convinced that he is not dead, Oona has to find out what happened to him quickly. Before it is too late.
This story is made up like a classical whodunit story (locked room mystery with a certain number of suspects) mixed with magic, different worlds, and speaking animals. It was thoroughly entertaining and got me out of my reading slump. Funny and cute, albeit stereotypical at times.

Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise – Friedhofstraße 43/ 43 Old Cemetery Road (#4)

Das Phantom im Postamt/ The Phantom of the Post Office


Verlag: Gerstenberg
veröffentlicht 2012
Seiten: 151

Book on Amazon (Deutsch/English)


Die elfjährige handysüchtige Wy ist zu Besuch in Schauderburg. Schon bald nach ihrer Ankunft wird sie mit Schüttelfrost und hohem Fieber ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert, wo bereits Severin Hoffnung liegt. Die Diagnose lautet: Phantomgrippe. Zur gleichen Zeit tauchen in Schauderburg anonyme Drohbriefe auf. Ob die etwas mit der geplanten Schließung des Postamts zu tun haben? Um Mitternacht schlägt das Phantom zu…


The talented trio at Spence Mansion loves getting fan mail. But when a strange letter arrives saying that the end is near, it’s clear something sinister is afoot. Even worse, the Ghastly Post Office is preparing to close, which will make it difficult to deliver future ghost stories from 43 Old Cemetary Road. A new technology called VEXT-mail is threatening to replace letters, books, hair dryers, and even garage door openers!

Is there anyone who can save the post office? The writer of the mysterious fan letter just might try. But could he end up striking down Ghastly’s beloved ghost-writer in the process? Eleven-year-old Seymour Hope and his new friend, Wy Fye, must solve these postmortem mysteries… before it’s too late! (Goodreads)

In Kürze/In (Very) Short:

+ das 4. Buch in der Reihe
+ sehr schöne Geschichte, wunderbar illustriert
+ endlich eine gleichaltrige Freundin für Severin
+ hat mir wieder sehr gut gefallen
+ the 4th book in the series
+ beautiful story, wonderful illustrations (as usual)
+ finally a friend for Seymour
+ I enjoyed it (as usual)

Meinung/My Opinion:

Das vierte Buch der Friedhofstraße 43 ist wieder einmal eine großartige und abenteuerliche Geschichte, die wieder sehr schön gestaltet ist.

Diesmal spukt nicht nur ein Phantom im Postamt vor sich hin, sondern Severin wird von der Phantomgrippe niedergestreckt und muss im Krankenhaus das Bett hüten. Dabei lernt er die handysüchtige Wy kennen und freundet sich mit ihr an. Zur gleichen Zeit bricht für die Bewohner von Schauderburg eine Welt zusammen als das Postamt geschlossen werden soll und ausgerechnet die Briefe liebende Olivia Spence dies zu unterstützen scheint. Können Severin und Wy das Postamt und dessen Phantom retten?

Es ist sehr schön, dass Severin endlich Kontakt mit Gleichaltrigen hat und eine neue Freundin gewinnt. Zusätzlich erfahren wir ein wenig mehr über Olivia’s Vergangenheit, lernen mal noch mehr Schauderburger Bürger kennen, treffen alte Bekannte wieder und ärgern uns über den Postminister. Eine sehr gekonnte Mischung.

The fourth installment of the 43 Old Cemetery Road series is a funny entertaining little adventure story in which Seymour finally gets a friend of similar age – Wy Fye.

This time around there is a phantom in the post office while Seymour is hospitalized because of the flue. Meanwhile Seymour tries to prevent the closure of the post office, which – to the surprise of Seymour and the citizen of Ghastly – is supported by the letter writing and loving Olivia Spence. Can they stop the impending closure?

I really enjoyed the story and I am happy to see Seymour with a friend of the same-age. Moreover, we learn more about Olivia’s past, meat more Ghastly citizen, get reaquainted with old friends, and are annoyed by the minister.

Fazit/Bottom Line:

Eine wunderbar unterhaltsame Geschichte, die wieder einmal ganz toll gestaltet und illustriert ist.

A wonderful entertaining story, which is designed and illustrated beautifully.


rating 4

Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise – Friedhofstraße 43/ 43 Old Cemetery Road #3

Ein Gespenst kommt selten allein/ Till Death Do Us Bark


Verlag: Gerstenberg
veröffentlicht: 2012
Seiten: 129

Book on Amazon


Severin ist überglücklich: Ein riesiger, zotteliger Hund ist ihm nach Hause gefolgt. Der Junge hatte sich schon immer einen Hund gewünscht! Gespenst Olivia und die Nachbarn sind von dem neuen Bewohner der Friedhofstraße 43 weniger begeistert- sein Gebell könnte Tote wecken! Das Tier gehörte dem kürzlich verstorbenen Schauderburger Millionär Noah Schmöller, einem Mann mit Humor. Noch über den Tod hinaus bringt er die ganze Stadt mit rätselhaften Limericks auf Trab. Kurz vor Eröffnung des Testaments taucht dann plötzlich ein weiteres Gespenst auf, denn: Ein Gespenst kommt selten allein!

When a dog arrives at Spence Mansion, Seymour is overjoyed. His adoptive parents, Ignatius B. Grumply and Olive C. Spence, are less enthusiastic—especially when Secret, the dog, begins barking all night long. Is it possible Secret just misses his old companion, the late Noah Breth, whose children are fighting like cats and dogs over their father’s money? Or does Secret have a secret that, in the end, will make the entire town of Ghastly howl with delight? (Amazon)

In Kürze/In (Very) Short:

+ tolle Geschichte, wunderbare Illustrationen
+ lustig, charmant, unterhaltsam
+ dritte Buch der Serie
+ wonderful story, beautiful illustrations
+ funny, charming, entertaining
+ third book in the series

Meinung/My Opinion:

Der dritte Teil der Friedhofstraße 43 ist wieder wunderschön gestaltet und auch von der Erzählung her sehr schön.

Während Olivia, Ignaz und Severin sich streiten, ob sie nun einen Hund haben sollen oder nicht, verursacht der verstorbenen Millionär Noah Schmöller Freude und Ärgernis zugleich. Während seine zerstrittenen Kinder sehnsüchtig auf die Testamentseröffnung warten und sich gegenseitig das Geld streitig machen, finden immer mehr Bewohner von Schauderburg alte und vor allem wertvolle Münzen.

Aber was hat der Hund damit zu tun? Als der Streit zwischen Ignaz, Olivia und Severin eskaliert und der Junge mitsamt dem Hund davonläuft, kann nur noch ein zweites Gespenst weiterhelfen.

Beide Erzählstränge sind sehr schön miteinander verwoben und wunderbar erzählt. Die Illustrationen sind ein Traum (wie auch bei den vorherigen Büchern).

The third book in this series is as wonderful as the ones before.

Olivia, Mr. Grumple and Seymore are arguing whether the boy is allowed to have a dog or not. And while they fight over that topic, the millionaire Noah Breth causes all sorts of exitment with his Limericks.

When the fight between our protagonists escalates and the boy and the dog run away, another ghost appears to help negotiate.

The two narrative strands of the family affairs and the limerick riddles are beautifully intertwined and the illustrations in this book are again amazing.

It’s a wonderful short lived and entertaining read, that just gets your mind of things.

Fazit/Bottom Line:

Wieder eine klare Empfehlung. Ein schöne Geschichte, mit tollen Illustrationen und liebenswerten Charakteren.

A beautiful story, with wonderful illustrations and lovable characters. An absolute recommendation.


rating 4

My Reading Month October

This time around I am a little late and I’m really sorry. I was so occupied with bureaucratic crap (pardon my french) and spend hours waiting and filling out applications (that nobody will ever look at again and that I have already submitted to another part of the same department, which is just two doors down the hall; but no, there is no way in hell to pick the documents up from that office – way to easy). Sorry for ranting, but I am a little frustrated and I know there are a lot more where that came from ahead of me. So yay!!!

Anyway, back to the book part of last month. Though it was clearly not my best month (because there were days where I couldn’t be bothered to even read an email), it was still ok. I had difficulties getting through some of the books because those were books I had to read in a sitting (and didn’t really had the time) or were quite tedious to get through. So to get into the swing of things I started of with a little children’s fiction.


Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise – Friedhofstraße 43: Ein Gespenst kommt selten allein (43 Old Cemetery Road – Till Death Do Us Bark)

This is the third book in the series and it is as lovely as the previous books. The illustrations are great, the story is funny and cute, and Olivia Spence was maybe a little annoying. All together a great and funny read.

Maria V. Snyder – Fire Study

I don’t really know what to write about this series than I love it. I loved the first, I loved the second, I loved the third. It was quite the ride through the final installment and sometimes the many narrative twists and turns were even to fast and loose for me. I had to catch my breath a few times. But this is a great series. I am a little sad it’s over.


Ekaterina Sedia – Die Geheime Geschichte Moskaus

I have never read a fantasy novel by a Russian author and I was interested. I did not get along with the story and I had difficulties following the narrative. There were just so many narrative strands that I lost track of the main story line. Since I am not very familiar with Russian mythology and tales, I was lost among all those different mythical figures. I think it is generally a cultural thing though. If I knew more about the myths and tales, I probably enjoy the story more.

Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise – Friedhofstraße 43: Das Phantom im Postamt (43 Old Cemetery Road – The Phantom in the Post Office)

After more bureaucracy filled days I returned to Old Cemetery Road and again this was very good. Finally Seymor meets someone his own age. While “Till Death Do us Bark” was funny and entertaining, “The Phantom of the Post Office” was actually quite “thrilling” and adventurous. Really good.


Marcus Sedgwick – Gold und Geisterjagd (Ghosts and Gadgets)

I ended my month with another rather spooky and ghostly book. Marcus Sedgwick has written a wonderful book about the Otherhand family and their raven Edgar. It is a nice and entertaining book, that was funny, cute, and a little spooky. The right book for Halloween (at least for me since I really don’t like scary things).

Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise – Friedhofstraße 43 / Old Cemetery Road 43 (#2)

Nur über meine Leiche/Over My Dead Body


Verlag/publisher: Gerstenberg Verlag
veröffentlicht/published 2011
Seiten/pages: 122

Book on Amazon


Der elfjährige Severin wohnt mit Bestsellerautor Ignaz B. Griesgram und dem Gespenst Olivia in einer alten Villa, wo sie gemeinsam an einem Gespensterbuch arbeiten. Zur Schule geht Severin nicht. Als Dirk Tatort davon erfährt, steckt er den Jungen kurzerhand ins Schauderburger Waisenhaus und lässt Griesgram in der Irrenanstalt einweisen. Aber es kommt noch schlimmer! Tatort will das Schreiben, Lesen und Erzählen von Gespenstergeschichten verbieten und die Bücher öffentlich verbrennen. „Nur über meine Leiche!“, protestiert Bibliothekar Balsam.

Dying to Meet You The creators of the Regarding the . . . series begin a clever new series set in a Victorian mansion occupied by an irritable ghost, told in letters, drawings, newspaper articles, and even an occasional tombstone engraving. Illustrations. (According to Amazon)

In Kürze/ In (Very) Short:

+ genauso toll wie der erste Teil – wieder eine sehr schöne Geistergeschichte
+ sehr spannend
+ visuell wieder ein Traum
+ as good as the first book – again a beautiful ghost story
+ very exiting story
+ visually wonderful as is the first story

Meinung/My Opinion:

Auch dieses Buch ist wieder wunderbar illustriert und visuell einfach sehr, sehr schön und die Geschichte ist spannend.

Diesmal gefällt mir die Erzählung an sich besser als die in Gespenster gibt es doch, da ich sie persönlich spannender fand. Die drei Bewohner der Friedhofstraße sind im zweiten Teil eine verschworene Gemeinschaft, die sich einem gemeinsamen und unsympathischen Gegner stellen müssen.

Dieser Gegner will nicht nur das Trio auseinanderreißen, sondern alle Schauergeschichten und obendrein noch Halloween abschaffen. Das lässt Olivia natürlich nicht auf sich sitzen. Ein sehr gelungener Spaß!

The second installment is again a visual beauty and a thrilling story at that.

This time around I like the narrative a lot more than the previous as it is more exiting. While the three characters had to come together in the Dying to Meet You, now they are a family unit and have a common opponent.

This opponent does not only intent to destroy this family, but wants to forbid and prohibit all sorts of ghost stories and Halloween.

Fazit/Bottom Line:

Wieder eine gelungen und wunderbare Geschichte. Hat man einmal angefangen, kann man nicht wieder aufhören.

Again a wonderful story, that you can’t put down once you started. The same is true for the entire series.


 rating 4

Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise – Old Cemetery Road 43/ Friedhofstraße 43 (#1)

Friedhofstraße 43 – Gespenster gibt es doch/ Dying to meet you (Old Cemetery Road 43)


Gebundene Ausgabe/Hardcover
publisher: Gerstenberg Verlag
published 2011
Seiten/pages: 159

Book on Amazon


Der berühmte Kinderbuchautor Ignaz B. Griesgram mietet für den Sommer ein Haus in der Friedhofstraße 43, um dort in Ruhe den 13. Band seiner Geisterbezwinger-Serie zu schreiben. Aber in dem Haus wohnt bereits jemand: ein elfjähriger Junge mit seiner Katze und ein Gespenst! Es heißt Olivia, ist 190 Jahre alt und quicklebendig. Seine Spezialität sind lautes Türenknallen, mitternächtliches Klavierspiel und Paprikahuhn. Als der Kronleuchter von der Decke fällt und ihn nur knapp verfehlt, muss auch Bestsellerautor Griesgram so allmählich einsehen: Gespenster gibt es doch!

Dying to Meet You The creators of the Regarding the . . . series begin a clever new series set in a Victorian mansion occupied by an irritable ghost, told in letters, drawings, newspaper articles, and even an occasional tombstone engraving. Illustrations. (According to Amazon)

In Kürze/ In (Very) Short:

+ sehr schöne Geistergeschichte
+ spannend und komisch
+ tolle Illustrationen
+ Geschichte wird in Form von Briefen und Zeitungsartikeln erzählt
+ a beautiful ghost story
+ entertaining and funny
+ wonderfully illustrated
+ story is told through letters and newspaper articles

Meinung/My Opinion:

Dies ist eine wunderbare Geschichte, die nicht nur bezaubernd illustriert ist, sondern auch mal anders konzipiert ist. Sie wird in Form von Briefen und Zeitungsartikeln erzählt.

Es ist eine kurzweilige, spannende und lustige Unterhaltung. Die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Severin und Griesgram haben mich oft zum Lächeln gebracht und Olivia ist einfach nur ein traumhaftes und loyales Gespenst.

Ich kann dieses Buch kleinen und großen Geisterfreunden empfehlen und wie es schon im Klappentext steht: Ein absolutes Muss für alle Gespensterliebhaber und Bücherfreunde!

This is a wonderfully story that is beautifully illustrated and narrated.

The story is entertaining, exiting and funny. The dispute between the boy and the author Grump made me smile quite a lot and the ghost Olivia is a wonderful and loyal ghost.

I can recommend this book to ghosts and fans of ghosts. It’s a must read for all ghost fans and book fans alike.

Fazit/Bottom Line:

Ein tolles, unterhaltsames und optisch sowie inhaltlich schönes Buch.

A great, exiting, and visually fantastic book.


rating 4

My Reading Month July

This month was particularly children’s book heavy. Since I had to read a lot of theory texts for my thesis I had difficulties to get into any long, convoluted story. I needed something short and sweet that could be read in one or two sittings and that was easy for me to get.

Since I borrowed most of the books from my local library I read many German books this month. I think almost all of them (I have to check that again) are also published in English so I will write a German and an English review.

But I did not only read kids books this month, there were a few others in between as well. You’ll see. Anyway lets just get going.

My month started with a non fiction book by a German author writing about Jane Austen.

Elsemarie Maletzke – Mit Jane Austen durch England

This book is a trip through Jane Austen’s life, through England and basically a trip with Jane through England. The important places of Austen’s life are visited and her experience and life connected to her books and characters. It is an interesting read as I enjoyed reading Austen so far and I am quite a fan of England. However, I don’t think this book is translated into English as I believe they have enough authors writing about Austen’s life 😉


Jutta Bauer – Selma

Well, it is actually not really a book and should not be counted as one, but I got this for Christmas from my very good friend Anja and I love it very much. It made me smile and happy. This little illustrated story is about a sheep looking for the meaning of happiness.

Cornelia Funke – Gespensterjäger auf eisiger Spur
Cornelia Funke – Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost

Written by one of the most well-known children authors in and outside of Germany this books is the first part of Funke’s ghost hunter stories. Tom sees a ghost in his cellar and only his grandmother believes him and suggest he get some help to fend of that ghost.

It is a lovely and sweet story that weaved some simple and easy accessible tricks for fending of ghosts into the narration. It will probably help some frightened kids sleep a little better and see that not all ghosts are bad.

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Hiawyn Oram, Sarah Warburton: Rumblewicks Tagebuch: Hilfe, meine Hexe gründet eine Girl-Band!
Hiawyn Oram, Sarah Warburton: My Unwilling Witch Starts a Girl Band (Rumblewick Diary #3)
Hiawyn Oram, Sarah Warburton: Rumblewicks Tagebuch: Hilfe meine Hexe kocht im Fernsehen!
Hiawyn Oram, Sarah Warburton: My Unwilling Witch gets Cooking (Rumblewick Diaries)

The story is told from the perspective of the cat Rumblewick, who was assigned to a witch to do witchy things with her. But his particular witch, Haggy Aggy, is stubborn and wants to be part of the human world rather than frighten people. This is of course punishable in the magic world and Rumblewick really doesn’t want to lose his diploma.

Both books are funny and sweat but especially beautifully illustrated and written in form of a diary that Rumble keeps which include many photos.


Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise: Friedhofsstraße 43: Gespenster gibt es doch!
Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise: Dying to Meet You! (43 Old Cemetery Road #1)

Again another series of books that caught my eye because of the beautiful illustrations and their different way to tell a story. This book is narrated through letters and newspaper articles, which is a great and lovely idea.

Severin lives in an old house with his cat and the ghost Olivia while his parents travel the world and don’t care about him. An old author, whose success with ghosthunter novels has been long time in the past, rents the house to write another installment. There he is challenged by the ghost to believe in the topic that he writes about.

Tom Angleberger – Yoda ich bin! Alles ich weiß!
Tom Angleberger – The Strange Case of Origami Yoda (Origami Yoda #1)

After spending some time with ghosts I took up this book. Yes, I did it because it had Yoda in the title and I do like Star Wars. But you don’t have to be a Star Wars fan to read and to enjoy this story.

The “weird” kid Dwight creates and origami Yoda that gives great advice and becomes quite popular and sought after in school. Tommy wants to find out if origami Yoda is real or not.

Each chapter is a little Yoda related story told by a different person. The book is created like a case study, but still works fluently and beautifully. This is a book for kids who do not have the greatest attention span.

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Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise: Friedhofsstraße 43: Nur über meine Leiche!
Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise: Over my Dead Body (43 Old Cemetery Road #2)

And again I returned to a ghost story. This time around Severin (Seymour) and his author friend are forced from their home and the authoritative figure Dick Tater wants to forbid all ghost stories and rename Halloween. But the ghost Olivia has something to say about that.

Again a story that I thoroughly enjoyed. I can only recommend this series.

Sara Paretsky – Deadlock

To split from my children’s books addiction this month I started with a traditional crime story, which took me a while to get into. This was due to me being occupied with all that theory. I couldn’t concentrate and did not have the patience to get into any kind of long, convoluted storyline.

V.I. Warshawksi investigates the death of her cousin only to discover a conspiracy. It follows the typical pattern of the hard-boiled genre only with a female protagonist, who does not necessarily gets beaten up that much (instead is involved in a number of “accidents”). Everything else stays the same. It was a good book and draws upon the strength of Paretsky when it comes to creating those conspiracies, but as I said, this time it took me a while to warm up to this.

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Agatha Christie – Miss Marple’s Final Cases

Another short-lived and entertaining read were Miss Marple’s Final Cases. It is a collection of short stories centering around Miss Marple (only two of those stories had nothing to do with any of Christie’s known investigators) and offering her to solve a case within the span of 20 to 40 pages per story. Lovely as always and a sure recommendation.

Kristin Cashore – Fire

Towards the end of the month I did pick up a young adult fantasy book. It is some time ago that I read the first installment called Graceling. Now that I finished Fire and that I am currently reading the final installment of the trilogy I want to read the first again. I did forget quite a bit.

Fire itself has only limited connections to Graceling through the character Leck present in both books, but is an independent story from the first book.

Fire is a unique person, who can influence people to do anything for her. Although she is afraid of her abilities and tries to hide from the world in order not to hurt anyone, she learns to accept her gift. Fire uses her gift to help the royal family win the war that has been threatening the kingdom for years and to come to terms with her past and the past of the kingdom.

I enjoyed the narrative very much and though the story itself was somewhat predictable and sadly drifted off in the end, it made me pick up the last book in the trilogy very fast.


Marliese Arold – Magic Girls: Das verbotene Amulett

My final book this month is sadly not translated into English yet.

It is the second book in a series about a two teenage witches who have been exiled to the human world. Elena’s father has committed a grievous crime in the witch world and was transformed into an iguana. Elena’s best friend Miranda goes with Elena’s family into exile in order to study the humans, their behavior, their life, and their world.

The girls are not only challenged by surviving in the human world, avoid being discovered by anyone, but also discover the secret of an amulet Elena has discovered among her father’s belongings.

This again is a story that is lovely and entertaining. Each of the chapters contains little passages about the life of witches as well as old discoveries about humans that are funny and cute.

And that was it for this month. I like that the number of books is quite high although I did not necessarily read that much. But all in all it was a good month and an entertaining one at that.