Hiawyn Oram – Rumblewicks Tagebuch: Hilfe, meine Hexe lernt Ballett/ My Unwilling Witch Goes to Ballet School

Hilfe meine Hexe lernt Ballett2

Verlag: ars Edition
veröffentlicht 2008
Seiten: 96

Book (Deutsch)


Hilfe, meine Hexe spinnt! Ballet tanzen, Pyjama-Partys feiern, in einer Girl-Band rocken: Gehört sich das für eine echte Hexe? NEIN! Meine Hexe Sissi sieht das allerdings ganz anders. Und wer darf es ausbaden? ICH, ihr Hexenkater! Daher meine dringende Bitte an euch: Lest meine geheimen Tagebücher – und helft mir, wenn ihr könnt … (Amazon)

Jump aboard the broomstick for loads of magical fun with Rumblewick, the witch’s cat, and his unwilling witch. (Goodreads)

In Kürze/ In (Very) Short:

+ Rumblewicks Tagebuch
+ sehr schön gestaltet und vom Kater erzählt
+ lustig, leicht, unterhaltsam
+ Rumblewick’s Diary
+ beautifully illustrated and narrated by the cat
+ funny, fluffy, entertaining

Meinung/ My Meinung:

Wieder ein Band in der Rumblewick Reihe und der arme Kater hat alle Hände voll zu tun. Seine Hexe möchte nun Ballett tanzen und nimmt begeistert Unterricht. Allerdings bekommt der Hexenrat davon Wind und droht dem Kater ihm das Diplom zu entziehen. Was soll er denn jetzt machen?

Das Buch ist wieder wunderbar illustriert und jede Seite ist schön und individuell gestaltet und in Form eines Tagebuches geschrieben. Die Geschichte ist niedlich, spannend und unterhaltsam und definitiv auch was für junggebliebene Leser.

Another installment in the series around the cat Rumblewick and his witch Haggy Aggy. This time Haggy decides to learn ballet and she loves the lessons. But soon other witches discover her wrongdoing (your not allowed to behave like a human) and they threaten to take Rumble’s cat diploma from him. So, what should he do?

The book is illustrated beautifully and the story is told in diary entries. It is a cute and entertaining adventure which can also be read by older readers who are still young at heart.

Fazit/ Bottom Line:

Tolles Kinderbuch. Ein schöne und unterhaltsame Geschichte.

Great children’s book. A fun and entertaining story.


rating 4

Ann Hunter – The Subtle Beauty

the subtle beauty

publisher: Afterglow Productions
published 2014
pages: 170

Book (English)


A cursed prince. A vain beauty.
Glory is the seventh daughter of Balthazar, High King of the Twelve Kingdoms.  Glory hopes that – of all her sisters – she can escape the fate of a loveless marriage. But on the night she plans to elope with the royal falconer, her world comes crashing down: Her father announces
Glory’s betrothal to Eoghan of the Blood Realm – a prince no one has ever seen.  The prince is said to be a recluse, cursed and deformed by the gods for the sins of his power-hungry father. Yet when Glory is trapped in Blackthorn Keep she discovers that not everything is what she expected.  An insulting gryphon, a persistent ghost, and a secret plan to usurp the prince keep Glory reeling.  Can she overcome her vanity to learn that what you want isn’t necessarily what you need–and save the cursed prince? (Amazon)

In (Very) Short:

+ YA fantasy retelling of Beauty and the Beast
+ fluffy, light, and entertaining
+ a fairy tale at heart and I recommend reading it as one

My Opinion:

I stumbled across this retelling of Beauty and the Beast and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Glory is the youngest daughter of king Balthazar, who is told by everyone how beautiful she is. While her father is looking to marry her off to some prince like all her sisters before her, she is in love with the falconer, who plans their escape. But Glory is tricked and brought to Blackthorn Keep where her betrothed Eoghan is waiting for her. Yet the prince is said to be deformed and cursed and beautiful and vain Glory is not willing to stay. But a gryphon, a ghost and a secret plan complicate everything.

Although it was somewhat clear how this story would develop since it is based on Beauty and the Beast, it had quite a few twists – some more, some less predictable and with some twists I was almost yelling at the book because I could not believe that just happened. Ann Hunters writing drew me in, I barely put the book down. It was fluffy, fluent and relaxing. Something that I needed at that time. I read it as the fairy tale and not so much as YA fantasy, and fairy tales can be as corny, with damsels in distress, and princes saving the day. I am fine with that. If you read it as YA fantasy you might be a little disappointed.

Bottom Line:

A really enjoyable and entertaining read and a lovely retelling of a fairy tale.


rating 4

Felix Anschütz et al. – Entschuldigung, sind Sie die Wurst?

This book is a collection of conversations that have been overheard by others and are collected on a homepage. Now, they are published in several books. This is the first which is very funny and entertaining. Since this book cannot be transalted into English, the review will be in German. However, there are for sure English equivalents for that for instance Overheard in New York (http://www.overheardinnewyork.com/).

Entschuldigung sind sie die Wurst

Verlag: Heyne Verlag
veröffentlicht 2009
Seiten: 288

Book (Deutsch)


Dem Volk aufs Maul geschaut

Manchmal ist das echte Leben witziger als jede Komödie – und so fingen die Betreiber der Internetseite belauscht.de an, auf Deutschlands Straßen aufgeschnappte Dialogszenen zu sammeln. Ob an der Bushaltestelle, bei der Arbeit, im Kinosessel oder in der Bahn: Überall werden wir Zeugen unfreiwillig komischer oder grotesker Gespräche. Dieses Buch vereinigt nun die originellsten, witzigsten und absurdesten Einträge von belauscht.de – typisch deutsch und zum Schreien komisch! (Amazon)

In Kürze:

+ Sammlung auf der Straße aufgeschnappter Dialoge
+ lustig, schnell, gut für Zwischendurch
+ besonders amüsant, wenn man es vorgelesen bekommt oder vorliest


Die Gründer von belauscht.de haben lustige, aberwitzige und skurrile Dialoge, die aufgeschnappt wurden, gesammelt und die besten in diesem Buch veröffentlicht.

Ich habe mich köstlich darüber amüsiert. Bei vielen war ich mir manchmal nicht so sicher, dass das auch wirklich gesagt wurde, weil es einfach so sonderbar, skurril und dumm war, dass ich mir kaum vorstellen konnte, dass jemand so etwas sagt.

Das Buch ist wunderbar etwas für Zwischendurch, weil man sich nicht konzentrieren muss und zu jeder Zeit aufhören kann. Es eignet sich besonders gut, wenn man in Warteräumen sitzen muss.

Am besten ist es jedoch wenn man es jemandem vorliest … dann haben meine Mama und ich uns gekrümmt vor Lachen.


Wunderbar unterhaltsames Buch für Zwischendurch. Die Welt ist doch sehr skurril.


rating 4

Kurzrezi Hörbuch: Dieter Nuhr – Das Geheimnis des Perfekten Tages/ Cordula Stratmann – Danke für meine Aufmerksamkeit

The following audiobook is written by a German author and read in German, so the review will be in German as well. I don’t think this book will be published in English at all. Both books are written by German Comedians one contemplating the world while the other tells the story of a house mouse. Both are quite entertaining.

Dieter Nuhr – Das Geheimnis des Perfekten Tages


Unnachahmlich charmant stellt sich Dieter Nuhr den elementaren Fragen des Daseins. Sein neues Hörbuch begleitet ihn durch 24 Stunden seines Lebens – vom Wachwerden bis zum Wiederwegnicken. Wer das Hörbuch hört, wird das Geheimnis des perfekten Tages kennenlernen. Allein dafür lohnt es sich schon aufzustehen! In einer Art ganztägiger Nachdenkperformance verbindet Publikumsliebling Dieter Nuhr erneut Komik und Intelligenz zu einem großen Hörerlebnis. Viel Vergnügen! (Amazon)


Auch hier wieder ein wunderbares Hörbuch gelesen vom Autoren. Dieter Nuhr stellt sich den elementaren und einigen nicht ganz so elementaren Fragen des Seins. Dabei ist es wunderbar wie er von einem „Problem“ zum Nächsten kommt ohne den Faden zu verlieren und vielleicht nicht wirklich einen zu haben.
Ein sehr unterhaltsames gelungenes Hörbuch, durchzogen von subtilen und auch weniger subtilen Pointen. Es ist zu merken, dass Dieter Nuhr doch eher zu den Kabarettisten gehört als zu den Comedians wie Mittermeier oder Mario Barth.

Cordula Stratmann – Danke für ihre Aufmerksamkeit


»Ich bin wirklich niemand, von der Sie sagen würden: Man kann so gut mit ihr schweigen.« »Guten Tag, mein Name ist Britta. Es handelt sich bei mir um eine europäische Hausmaus, und es hat sich ergeben, dass ich die Erzählerin, ich kann in aller Bescheidenheit sagen: die Protagonistin in Cordula Stratmanns neuem Roman bin. Nach der Trennung von meinem Lebensgefährten Tim, einer chinesischen Reisfeldmaus, – es ging einfach nicht mit uns – begegnete ich auf der Suche nach einem neuen Zuhause einem Mädchen namens Polly, bei deren Familie ich schließlich einzog. Und damit befand ich mich plötzlich mitten im menschlichen Leben. Mitten in Ihrem Leben, liebe Leserschaft! Ich habe so viel über Sie erfahren, du liebe Güte! Sie machen sich aber einen Stress mit diesem Leben! Gut, Sie müssen arbeiten, Kinder versorgen, keinen Krieg anfangen, das Auto nicht auf Nachbars Platz abstellen und täglich zweimal Zähneputzen. Das können wir Mäuse alles sehr viel entspannter angehen. Was Sie auf jeden Fall richtig gut machen: Sie bringen tolle Kinder auf diese Welt. Kluge, erfindungsreiche Wesen. Von Ihnen und Ihren Kindern handelt dieses Buch, und ich bin froh, dass mich die Autorin das alles mal hat erzählen lassen – ich wäre sonst geplatzt. Und bitte entschuldigen Sie meine Liebeswirren, selbst als Maus ist man gegen Partnerschaftsprobleme nicht gefeit.« (Amazon)


Die Geschichte der Maus Britta wird hier von Cordula Stratmann ganz wunderbar gelesen und ist auch von ihr geschrieben worden. Britta ist eine deutsche Hausmaus und nachdem sie auf der Straße gelandet ist, findet sie Unterschlupf bei sieben unterschiedlichen Familien, die sie versucht aus gefestigten und schädliche Ritualen zu befreien.
Die Geschichte ist wirklich sehr schön, spannend, unterhaltsam und berührend. Britta widmet sich nicht nur den Fehlern in der Kindererziehung, sondern legt auch den Wahnsinn innerhalb der Familie (wahrscheinlich auch unserer Eigenen) frei. Dabei zeichnet sich Stratmann als unheimlich gute Beobachterin des alltägliche Irrsinns aus.
Ein wirklich gelungenes Buch. Sehr zu empfehlen.

Julie Anne Grasso – Frankie Dupont and the Mystery of Enderby Manor

Frankie Dupont

published 2014
pages (appr.): 75

Book (English)


When his cousin Kat disappears from Enderby Manor, Frankie Dupont jumps on the scene, only to find bumbling Inspector Cluesome beat him to it. Cluesome thinks Kat simply wandered off. Frankie isn’t buying it.

He follows the evidence to conniving concierge, a six-fingered chef, a talking parrot, and a shifty dwarf. Quite frankly, none of them are making any sense until Frankie discovers, Kat’s time is running out. (Amazon)

In (Very) Short:

+ middle grade detective mystery adventure
+ loveable characters, great narrative pace
+ there is a pet chameleon

My Opinion:

Frankie Dupont’s cousin Kat is missing and since his father who is a detective cannot attend this matter immediately because he is out-of-town, Frankie goes to his aunt and uncle to help and start his own investigation at Enderby Manor – a place he has never noticed before.

This book is a really cute, entertaining, middle grade mystery adventure. Though it looks like a “simple” case of someone missing, there are some interesting turns that take the story into a direction that I did not see coming.

I enjoyed the characters (though some are a little stereotypical), the story’s pace, and the twist – I can say that much: it includes some fantastic elements. I laughed about the little cute things in this story: the luring with cupcakes or the pet chameleon. I loved the detective story and elements that were used and I think that kids will do, too.

The writing is very fluent and I think it’s a great read for middle grade and even younger readers. The author has a great feel for her characters and for the story and she really knows her readers.

Bottom Line:

A fun and entertaining mystery adventure with a little twist.


rating 4

Top 5 Disney Movies

It was not easy to decide on only 5 Disney movies. But after I contemplated for many hours, I managed to come up with a list.

disney movie

1. 101 Dalmatians/ 101 Dalamatiner

2. Beauty and the Beast/ Die Schöne und das Biest

3. The Lion King/ Der König der Löwen

4. Sleeping Beauty/ Dornröschen

5. Mulan

Christmas Book Review/ Weihnachtsbücher Kurzrezi

Both books are Christmas books in German and written by German-speaking authors. The first is a children’s book about an inventor frog and his Christmas adventure and the second is a bit of a Christmas lovestory. Since they are not available in English, this review will be in German only. The next reviews will be either in English or in both English and German again. So, please bear with me.

Andreas H. Schmachtl – Hieronymus Frosch feiert Weihnachten

hieronymus frosch feiert weihnachten

Verlag: Arena
veröffentlicht 2014
Seiten: 85


FUPP! Das gibt’s doch gar nicht: Hieronymus Frosch sitzt im Schnee fest! Jetzt kann nur seine neueste Erfindung, der Schnee-ENTFERNÖR I, helfen. Dann kann der weltbeste Erfinderfrosch endlich auch seine anderen winterlich-weihnachtlichen Erfindungen ausprobieren – wie den GRÜNEN BLITZ beim Rodeln oder den BACKMEISTER 2000 beim Plätzchenbacken. Und vor lauter Geschenke-Erfinden und Holunderpunsch-Trinken hätte Hieronymus eines fast vergessen: Weihnachten! Na, dann mal Frohes Fest!


Handlung: Der Erfinderfrosch Hieronymus Frosch ist so beschäftigt mit dem Wintereinbruch und den daraus resultierenden Erfindungen, dass er fast Weihnachten vergisst. Aber auch da kann man sehr viel erfinden.

Charaktere: Hieronymus Forsch ist ein Erfinder und erfindet den lieben langen Tag wunderbare neue Dinge, die für uns Menschen gar nicht so neu sind. Ein sehr sympathischer Protagonist.

Schreibstil: Andreas H. Schmachtl schreibt immer sehr schön und flüssig und passend zum Protagonisten ist die Schrift,sowie die meisten Zeichnungen grün.


Süße, kurze Weihnachtsgeschichte zum Vorlesen oder selber lesen. Sehr schön.


rating 5

Daniel Glattauer – Der Weihnachtshund


Max will vor Weihnachten flüchten und auf die Malediven fliegen. Dabei ist ihm Kurt, sein Hund, im Weg. Kurt war leider eine Fehlinvestition. Er schläft meistens. Und wenn er sich bewegt, dann höchstens irrtümlich. Katrin wird demnächst dreißig, und leidet unter Eltern, die darunter leiden, dass sie noch keinen Mann fürs Leben gefunden hat. Mit Weihnachten kommt der Höhepunkt des familiären Leidens auf sie zu. Da tritt plötzlich Kurt in Erscheinung. Katrin mag zwar keine Hunde, aber Kurt bringt sie auf eine Idee … (Amazon)


Handlung: Mann will Hund loswerden um über die Feiertage wegzufliegen. Frau will Hund übernehmen um den Eltern zu entkommen. Tag für Tag bekommen wir bis zum 24.12. erzählt wie die beiden Protagonisten zueinander finden und sich mit ihrer Vergangenheit auseinandersetzen. Interessant und ganz gut gemacht.

Charaktere: Beide Protagonisten sind mir nicht sonderlich sympathisch, aber auch nicht unsympathisch. Angenehm aber nicht weltbewegend.

Schreibstil: Sehr schön, hat mich gleich an das Buch gebunden und weiterlesen lassen.


Eine unterhaltsame Geschichte, schöner Schreibstil, hat mich aber nicht vom Hocker gehauen.


rating 3

December/January Book Haul

Since I did not manage to post a haul for December, I decided to combine my December and January hauls. I have accumulated quite a few books over the past two months. But it was Christmas and there was my birthday and then I was stressed and needed some treats 🙂

Sarah J. Maas – Heir of Fire

This is the third book in the trilogy (which is now turned into a series; maybe kinda like Trudi Canavan’s Black Magicians Trilogy which continued with the Traitor Spy Trilogy; I am not sure). I am looking forward to continue and/or finish the trilogy, yet I am reluctant to start. It took me a while to get into the second book and I did not enjoy it as much as the first. I just hope this one is better and has some form of closure.

Rae Carson – The Crown of Embers and The Bitter Kingdom

These are books 2 and 3 in the trilogy, which I have read over a year ago (I think even 1 1/2 years ago). I gifted them to myself for my birthday. I really enjoyed the first book because it was a different to other fantasy series, but I am not sure if I should reread the first one since it’s been a while.

Terry Pratchett – Dodger

I have never read a Pratchett novel. I don’t know why, maybe because I am not sure whether they are a series or just set in the same world without being dependent on each other. They were just to many of them and I was confused. However, I found this one as a bargain and thought I might give it a try.

Renee Holler – Das Geheimnis des Goldenen Salamanders

I stumbled upon this adventure novel for children or maybe young adults, which is set in England in the 1670s (I think). It is a historical adventure story and I am currently in the mood for either reading or listening to them. They are primarily fun and exiting without the whole teenage angst all the time. I hope this one will not disappoint.

Walter Moers – Das Labyrinth der Träumenden Bücher

Like Pratchett an author that is widely famous in Germany and I have not yet read a book. I found this in a bargain bin because it had a few scratches, but I had to give it a new home. It is a later book in the series and again I am not sure whether I need to read the others before in order to understand or if they are somewhat stand alone only set in the same world. But I will figure that out.

december 2015 haul

Wolfram Hänel – Ein Fall für die Weihnachtsdetektive

I could not walk past this book: a Christmas story told in 24 chapters and of course a crime story for children. It is illustrated and in order to get to each chapter, I have to separate the pages. They are “stuck” together and I have to open each chapter. The book is also illustrated and the writing is in red. I just really like the design.

Marliese Arold – Dem Pharao Versprochen

I have read some books by this author and enjoyed her writing and her stories. This is set in Egypt (I like) and tells the story of a young woman who has to marry the Pharaoh but likes someone else. Sounds a little mushy, but there are times when one really is in the mood for mush.

Vicky Alvear Shecter – Mondmädchen/ Cleopatra’s Moon

Another book set in Egypt about Cleopatra’s daughter. Well, I really like the old myths and stories about Egypt, so I took it home.

Andreas H. Schmachtl – Hieronymus Frosch: Das hat die Welt noch nicht gesehen

I have read and some and own quite a few books by the author and I love them. The stories are cute and entertaining. Great for reading to your kids and short as well. The illustrations are wonderful and since this book is about an inventor frog, the writing is in green and some of the illustrations are also in green, while others are in color.

Patrick Carman – Strengstens Verboten: Willkommen im Hotel Whippet/ Floors

Another kids book which sounded quirky and fun. The Whippet is a hotel in which Leo lives with his dad, who is the maintenance man. He stumbles into an adventure when he discovers boxes that lead him to hidden floors, strange puzzles and ducks. Sounds good and fun, so I took it with me.

Nina Balzon – Lagua: Der Fluch der Schwarzen Gondel

I listened to a time travel novel set in Venice when I came across this book also set in Venice. This book seems to also have a supernatural touch. A coursed gondola, two warring families, and four kids who try to discover the truth. Sounds like a good adventure story.

Josephine Angelini – Goddess

The final book in the Starcrossed Trilogy. I really enjoyed the first two books. They were entertaining and easy to read. I really like to know how that whole situation unfolds and concludes. I looking forward to meeting old friends.

My Reading Month January

My reading year did start a little turbulent. I have put my back out and could not move very well. I finally finished my project and handed that in and ever since that I am not the same anymore. Everybody always said that you will fall into a hole and I always believed that I will be so relieved to have time to read and will do nothing else. But I haven’t finished a book since I am done. I cannot sit down and concentrate. I feel restless most of the time. Thankfully, I still enjoy and can concentrate on audiobooks but only because I am constantly on the move while doing that. Hence my reading month was not successful at all.

Thomas Hermanns – Das Tomatensaft-Mysterium: Fliegen in der Comedy Class

This was the first book that I finished in 2015 and it was a nice read. A German comedian wrote about his endless experiences flying in Germany. We accompany him from booking to flying and he points out the weird, the funny, and the plain crazy about the flight experience. It was entertaining and it made me laugh a few times. Entertaining read but not breath-taking.

the assassin and the pirate lord

Sarah J. Maas – The Assassin and the Pirate Lord

This is the first novella set in the Throne of Glass series and it shows how Celaena Sardothien, now the kings assassin, has lived before she was captured and “won” her place at the palace. I enjoyed the story because it connected me back to the world and I thought it was interesting to see what kind of person she was and what she did prior to the Throne of Glass novel where we met her. Good read.

Sadly this was it concerning my reading month, but since I don’t want this post to be super short, I just add the audiobooks that I listened to this month. All of them were read in German. Three were written by German authors and two where written by English-speaking authors. I will also add the English title below.

Alison Goodman – Eona: Drachentochter/ Eon – The Rise of the Dragoneye

I have already read this book some time ago and really enjoyed it. I wanted to know what it would be like in German and it did not disappoint. Eon is a potential candidate to become the next Dragoneye, but he is crippled and he is really a girl. Eona. But it is forbidden for girls to be a Dragoneye. When the Mirror Dragon, who has disappeared 500 years ago, suddenly returns and chooses Eon as its Dragoneye, plans, intrigues, and secret plots take on a live of its own. Wonderful story, still trying to get my hands on the next part.

Sarah Lark – Die Zeit der Feuerblüten

A historical novel set in New Zealand and combining the narrative strands of many characters that slowly intertwine. It was very entertaining. Something about Sarah Larks writing and story telling hooks me and I have to know how it continues. Really good.

Eva Völler – Zeitenzauber: Die Magische Gondel

A young adult time travel story. I really enjoyed the premise and the story. Young girl travels in time, cannot go back because of some weird rule, has to stop a horrible event from happening to save the future, has to uncover some conspiracy to do all that and be allowed back into her own time. It might sound cliché or a little convoluted, but it was a great story. I really liked it.

Hilke Rosenboom – Die Teeprinzessin

A young adult historical novel about a young girl, who knows and loves tea, but is not allowed to work as anything else than a maid. After many trials and tribulations, she finally gets her chance to travel to China and India to buy tea and is entangled in even more adventure. Although I was a little annoyed with the protagonist at times, it was again entertaining and interesting. I surely appreciate my tea a lot more now.

Jessica Khoury – Die Einzige/ Origin

The last audio book is again a young adult novel. I must have been on a roll since it was again really good. Somewhere in the Amazon lives a girl who cannot die. She has never left the compound she was born in, she was bred to withstand disease and even death and she is lonely. After she has to chance to escape for a little bit, she learns a lot more about the world, herself, and the people who have created her and how she was created. The story started a little slow but picked up pace in the second half. I really liked the protagonist and I was able to understand why she acted the way she did. Again a very good audio book.